MAG Multimedia Academic Global

Erasmus Plus - Strategic Partnership - a European Commission Funding Programme

I4EU - Activities and Results

IO2 - Smart industry observatory

Leader: CEDEL
Co-leader: Madan Parque

The output consists of a collection of interviews, case studies and best practices regarding practical implementations of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The aim is to produce some didactic material that can concretely give evidence of Industry 4.0 related technologies and models in practice.

• O2/A1 - Interviews and case studies models
• O2/A2 - Interviews and case studies collection
• O2/A3 - Best practices analysis


Working documents are available in the Partners Area, accessible only to project partners.
Final documents will be published in this area.

Last Events

Kick-off Meeting: November 2019 - Bordeaux (France)

You can find more info (and pictures) of events and project meetings in our Facebook Page


Next Event

Second Partners' Meeting: May 2020 - Rome (Italy)


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