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Part IV - Energy Transition

Lingua dei contenuti:Inglese

The energy transition is a pathway toward transformation of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon by 2050. At its heart is the need to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions to limit climate change. Decarbonisation of the energy sector requires urgent action on a global scale, and while a global energy transition is underway, further action is needed to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can potentially achieve 90% of the required carbon reductions. The energy transition will be enabled by information technology, smart technology, policy frameworks and market instruments.

The module gives a general overview about this key process, with a focus on sustainability in the energy sector. A lesson will be specifically devoted to Africa and its energy “leapfrogging” that could lead to a great development. The case of an energy company is evoked to give a concrete example of the strategies applied to business models to comply with the global goals.

Videos are available in english, french and arabic: to switch the language you can click on the headphone in each videolessons.

Articolazione didattica

Video lesson n.1 - The energy transition

By FABRIZIO IACCARINO (Italy) - Head of Sustainability and Institutional Affairs of Enel Italia

Key contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Key factors for the energy transition:
    • technologies needed to achieve Net Zero emissions in 2050
    • the role of individuals to deliver a fast energy transition
    • net-zero commitments by countries
    • factors to support a strategic and sustainable transition
    • the role of digitalization

3. A concrete example: the strategy of ENEL, a global energy company

Video lesson n.2 - Energy, the great turn of Africa

By LORENZO COLANTONI (Italy) - Researcher at the Energy, Climate and Resources Programme at IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali and environmental journalist

Key contents:

In 2014, access to power has first increased in Africa since colonial independence. The continent can now not only reach universal access to power, but leapfrog directly to a fully sustainable mix. Yet, a set of changes are globally needed to maintain the momentum of this unique change.

Main topics:

  • Intro: 2014, the great turn
  • Behind the turn: new energy for Africa
  • What is leapfrogging and its four pillars
  • Africa at the crossroads: sustaining the change

Video lesson n.3 - Driving business action on the SDG - The general context

By FILIPPO NICOLÒ RODRIGUEZ (Italy) - Head of Sustainability Enel Italia e Managing Director Enel Cuore

Key contents (Part.1):

  1. Sustainability & 2030 Agenda
  2. The energy transition: macrotrends & target
    • the 4 macrotrends: urbanisation, decarbonization, digitalization, technological innovation
    • the decarbonisation targets
    • the energy paradox

Video lesson n.4 - Driving business action on the SDG - The case of ENEL, a global energy company

By FILIPPO NICOLÒ RODRIGUEZ (Italy) - Head of Sustainability Enel Italia e Managing Director Enel Cuore

Key contents (Part.2):

  1. A concrete example: the strategy of ENEL, a global energy company
Titolare dell'insegnamento
Vanni Resta, Sabahudin Hadzialic