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Part IV - Energy Transition

Prof. Fabrizio Iaccarino
(Head of Sustainability and Institutional Affairs of Enel Italia (Italy))
Prof. Lorenzo Colantoni
(Researcher at the Energy, Climate and Resources Programme of IAI (Istituto Affari Intenazionali) and Environmental journalist (Italy))
Prof. Filippo Nicolò Rodriguez
(Head of Sustainability Enel Italia and Managing Director (Italy))
Content language:English

The energy transition is a pathway toward transformation of the global energy sector from fossil-based to zero-carbon by 2050. At its heart is the need to reduce energy-related CO2 emissions to limit climate change. Decarbonisation of the energy sector requires urgent action on a global scale, and while a global energy transition is underway, further action is needed to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can potentially achieve 90% of the required carbon reductions. The energy transition will be enabled by information technology, smart technology, policy frameworks and market instruments.

The module gives a general overview about this key process, with a focus on sustainability in the energy sector. A lesson will be specifically devoted to Africa and its energy “leapfrogging” that could lead to a great development. The case of an energy company is evoked to give a concrete example of the strategies applied to business models to comply with the global goals.

Videos are available in english, french and arabic: to switch the language you can click on the headphone in each videolessons.


Video lesson n.1 - The energy transition

By FABRIZIO IACCARINO (Italy) - Head of Sustainability and Institutional Affairs of Enel Italia

Key contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Key factors for the energy transition:
    • technologies needed to achieve Net Zero emissions in 2050
    • the role of individuals to deliver a fast energy transition
    • net-zero commitments by countries
    • factors to support a strategic and sustainable transition
    • the role of digitalization

3. A concrete example: the strategy of ENEL, a global energy company

Video lesson n.2 - Energy, the great turn of Africa

By LORENZO COLANTONI (Italy) - Researcher at the Energy, Climate and Resources Programme at IAI – Istituto Affari Internazionali and environmental journalist

Key contents:

In 2014, access to power has first increased in Africa since colonial independence. The continent can now not only reach universal access to power, but leapfrog directly to a fully sustainable mix. Yet, a set of changes are globally needed to maintain the momentum of this unique change.

Main topics:

  • Intro: 2014, the great turn
  • Behind the turn: new energy for Africa
  • What is leapfrogging and its four pillars
  • Africa at the crossroads: sustaining the change

Video lesson n.3 - Driving business action on the SDG - The general context

By FILIPPO NICOLÒ RODRIGUEZ (Italy) - Head of Sustainability Enel Italia e Managing Director Enel Cuore

Key contents (Part.1):

  1. Sustainability & 2030 Agenda
  2. The energy transition: macrotrends & target
    • the 4 macrotrends: urbanisation, decarbonization, digitalization, technological innovation
    • the decarbonisation targets
    • the energy paradox

Video lesson n.4 - Driving business action on the SDG - The case of ENEL, a global energy company

By FILIPPO NICOLÒ RODRIGUEZ (Italy) - Head of Sustainability Enel Italia e Managing Director Enel Cuore

Key contents (Part.2):

  1. A concrete example: the strategy of ENEL, a global energy company
Appointed teaching professor
Vanni Resta, Sabahudin Hadzialic
Video Professor
Prof. Fabrizio Iaccarino - Head of Sustainability and Institutional Affairs of Enel Italia (Italy)
Prof. Lorenzo Colantoni - Researcher at the Energy, Climate and Resources Programme of IAI (Istituto Affari Intenazionali) and Environmental journalist (Italy)
Prof. Filippo Nicolò Rodriguez - Head of Sustainability Enel Italia and Managing Director (Italy)
List of video lessons
Lesson n. 1: The energy transition  Vai alla videolezione
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Fabrizio Iaccarino
Lorenzo Colantoni
Filippo Nicolò Rodriguez
Filippo Nicolò Rodriguez