MAG Multimedia Academic Global

Digital Law

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Law of Media and of Personal Data

Content language:Italian

The course aims to provide the technical and legal knowledge necessary for the analysis of legal issues related to the use of new technologies, Internet and social media from the point of view of the protection of personal data.

The course, after the first lessons devoted to the relationship between legal science and information technology and the study of the relationship between constitutional freedoms and new technologies, addresses the discipline of data protection, focusing also on the issues of digital identity and the right to be forgotten, not failing to analyze the evolution of case law and case studies.

Specifically, the subject of study is the protection of personal data in the digital age, in relation to the European and national framework of reference. The focus will be on Italian and European legislation, in particular the EU Regulation 2016/679, dealing with the principles, tools and rights of data subjects.

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Appointed teaching professor
Professor not available