MAG Multimedia Academic Global

Reporting Climate Change

الجزء الأول - ما هو تغير المناخ


Lesson n. 1: مقدمة عن تغير المناخ

   What is Climate Change?

   How can we stop Climate Change?

   Who is campable of stopping Climate Change?
Vai alla slide della lezione Ahmed Kandil
Lesson n. 2: اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ واتفاق باريس

   Milestones o finternational agreements on Climate Change

   What are the key elements of the Paris Agreement?

   The way ahead
Vai alla slide della lezione Ahmed Kandil
Lesson n. 3: مدخل إلى تمويل المناخ

   What is climate finance?

   What are the characteristics of climate finance today?

   Is climate finance effective enough today? How could it become more effective?
Vai alla slide della lezione Ahmed Kandil
Lesson n. 4: تغير المناخ في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط

   What are the main fatcs of climate change in the Mediterranean region?

   How is climate change likely to impact this region?

   What should be done?
Vai alla slide della lezione Ahmed Kandil
Lesson n. 5: التحديات والدروس المستفادةتغير المناخ في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط

   Why don't we care more about climate change in the Mediterranean region?

   What to do about the lack of awareness about climate change in the Mediterranean region?
Vai alla slide della lezione Ahmed Kandil